Laser hair removal

Laser hair removal

Hair removal with a LightSheer™ XC diode laser is 100% effective and safe. The LUMENIS Light Sheer laser hair removal system is the most effective device in the world. Its reputation is proven by numerous certificates and research conducted by medical facilities all over the world. The LUMENIS Company was the first to manufacture a diode laser designed exclusively for hair removal. There is still no laser hair removal system available that could match Light Sheer’s reliability, safety and permanent effects.

Did you know:

Laser treatments guarantee permanent hair removal, unlike many IPL (Intense Pulse Light) systems, which often merely stop their growth for a couple of months.

When you decide to undergo a laser hair removal treatment, please bear in mind that up to 99% of treatment-related complications are due to inadequate staff experience, poor pre-treatment consultation (or lack thereof) and equipment (in most cases IPL systems by unknown manufacturers) lacking safety certificates and a proven record of effectiveness.

The Cosmetix Cosmetology and Aesthetic Medicine Studio has Poland’s longest (13 years) documented experience with laser hair removal with the use of LUMENIS Light Sheer.

Our state-of-the-art equipment and high staff qualifications give you a 100% guarantee of satisfaction and complete safety.

Laser hair removal is the most effective method of permanent hair removal, offering long-lasting results. Removing hair with methods such as shaving, plucking or waxing provides only short-term results, and is often expensive in the long run. It is also worth mentioning how much time you lose undergoing traditional hair removal procedures. Besides, waxing is also painful and it tends to irritate the skin.

After many waxing procedures it is not unlikely to develop such conditions as follicle inflammation, skin irritation and ingrowing hairs.

If you have a problem with irritated skin and hairs growing in the most delicate areas of your body, the best solution for you is pubic area hair removal performed with a diode laser. Laser hair removal is undoubtedly less painful and more effective than the traditional Brazilian waxing.

Laser bikini hair removal enables you to permanently get rid of unwanted hairs. Ugly regrowths, irritated skin, discomfort at the beach: all of that is gone. Laser pubic hair removal allows you to enjoy a silken skin on your entire body with the added benefit of saving your time and money.

Traditional methods like shaving, waxing or using hair removal creams are both expensive and time-consuming. Over the years, the amount of time and money wasted on those methods becomes more than you’re willing to accept.

More about laser hair removal
Preparations before the treatment
Counterindications to laser hair removal
How a diode laser works
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